Thursday , September 12 2024

News on Chronic Pain Management

People are starting to hear about the benefits of using CBD products as opposed to other prescription or over-the-counter drugs. In particular, people are beginning to ask why the government is preventing the production of medical cannabis.

The current crop of medical marijuana plants are grown with high levels of THC in order to maintain the desired high. CBD products that contain less than 0.3 percent THC are made from industrial hemp, which has become federally legalized for cultivation by most state authorized agencies after the recent Farm Bill was passed.

In a recent study from the University of Colorado A&S, researchers reported that children diagnosed with chronic epilepsy showed a reduction in anxiety after using CBD for an extended period. The reduction in anxiety correlated with an increase in CBD consumption; the more CBD, the less anxiety the children exhibited. While CBD doesn’t have psychoactive effects, the researchers believe there could be a plateau effect where the CBD stops working and the patient begins to feel anxious again. However, they caution that further research is needed to confirm this finding.

Others are looking at the relationship between CBD and nausea associated with chemotherapy. Several studies have found that CBD can reduce nausea when administered before chemo injections. The CBD is thought to act like an anti-emitter in the body and boost the body’s immune system response to treat cancer.

In one study, cancer patients were given an infusion of hanföl dm. Although there was no significant difference between those given CBD and those given a placebo, the researchers noted that it may be beneficial for people who suffer from nausea associated with other types of cancer treatments.

When it comes to treating conditions like diabetes and Alzheimer’s, CBD has some exciting potential. The FDA has approved a pharmaceutical derived from CBD called Ezetimibe. This is the first pharmaceutical to treat type 2 diabetes with CBD and shows promise in both reducing symptoms and preventing future diabetes.

In addition, CBD appears to aid in the prevention of Parkinson’s disease and may reduce the side effects of post-operative nausea and seizures. More research is needed to evaluate CBD and its potential to treat various neurological and physical ailments. In the meantime, CBD can be used as a stand-alone treatment in its purest form to reduce inflammation and alleviate pain.

The last major study published on CBD is a University of Florida study published in the Journal of Pain & Physiology. The study looked at the effect of CBD on physical therapy patients with knee osteoarthritis. It was found that CBD significantly reduced pain, disability, joint stiffness and the amount of time patients spent receiving physical therapy. The reduction in stiffness and decreased disability were a direct result of reduced inflammation.

These are just a few recent studies that have explored CBD benefits in the treatment of various ailments. In all of these studies, CBD remains a relatively mild compound. Although CBD can be considered a “cure” for certain ailments such as cancer and MS, it is far too young to have established the complete effects of CBD in the body. Until CBD is standardized and the full health profile of this powerful plant is known, its benefits for chronic pain management and other ailments including Parkinson’s disease remain highly speculative.

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